Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer with WRN!
No matter your experience or availability, there is a role for you at WRN! We are always looking for volunteers to support Waterloo Region Nature efforts in numerous areas. Listed below are several ways to get involved with contact information to learn more.
Join our Board of Directors!
We are always open to new faces on the Waterloo Region Nature board. Terms are two years in length or join as a Director-at-Large on a one year term to learn the ropes. We welcome interested members to sit in on a board meeting or shadow a current board member before committing. Contact pastpresident@waterlooregionnature.org to inquire about openings.
Volunteer to help with tech at our monthly hybrid meetings!
We are looking for one to two people who regularly attend the monthly meetings to support the technical set up to record and live stream hybrid meetings. Training is provided – the more consistent help we have, the better quality programming we can offer. Contact web@waterlooregionnature.ca if interested in helping.
Volunteer to be a greeter!
We are looking for volunteers to greet people as they arrive for meetings, and help newcomers with name tags, and/or filling out a membership form. Contact membership@waterlooregionnature.ca if interested in helping.
Become an adult volunteer with WRN Teens and/or Kids!
Adult volunteers are needed to help plan and deliver quality teens and kids programs. Adult volunteers come out as they are available to supervise and participate with Teens and Kids in their monthly activities. Other adult volunteer jobs involve communicating with community partners, coordinating opportunities, recruiting new members, etc. Contact teens@waterlooregionnature.ca or kids@waterlooregionnature.ca to learn more.
Become an Outings Leader!
Have a favourite place to walk, nature knowledge to share, or want to gather to explore together with other WRN members and guests? Anyone can lead a club outing, no experience is necessary. Contact outings@waterlooregionnature.ca to discuss your ideas and plan the next club outings.
Join the Montgomery Property Committee!
This stewardship group takes care of maintenance, monitoring, and other conservation concerns at the F.H. Montgomery Wildlife Sanctuary. Attend seasonal visits with a group and discuss challenges and approaches related to the care and stewardship of these lands. Contact montgomery@waterlooregionnature.ca to express your interest in joining.
We are also looking for a committed volunteer to lead stewardship and develop a maintenance and monitoring plan for the Founders’ Property. Reach out to conservation@waterlooregionnature.ca if interested.
Join our Conservation Action Committee!
This group formed during the pandemic to help WRN respond and mobilize to emerging policy and environmental issues in our area. You can help research, draft responses, and discuss challenges and approaches related to local issues and member concerns. Contact conservation@waterlooregionnature.ca to learn more and join the next meeting.
Be a WRN Website Manager (Back-up)!
We are looking for someone to be the back up website manager for WRN. Training will be provided, but basic computer knowledge and web design is helpful. Contact web@waterlooregionnature.ca if interested in helping.