
The Heron

Our newsletter The Heron is published three times a year in August, March and November. The newsletter can always be downloaded from this web site. Members can opt to receive a (non-colour) paper copy by mail.


Articles of interest to our members are welcome. Please send your submissions to


Submission Deadlines:
Fall Issue:  July 20th
Winter Issue: October 20th
Spring Issue:  February 20th

Advertising in The Heron is a good way to reach people interested in the environment and nature-related activities, to let them know about your products or services.


Advertising Rates

Ad Size Per Issue Full Year
(3 issues)
Full Page $200 $520
Half Page $100 $260
Quarter Page $50 $130
One-tenth Page
(business card size)
$25 $65


Newsletters from 2009 to 2013 can be found under the Newsletter tab on one of the web site captures at: KWFN Web Site Archives

Newletters older than the 2009-2010 membership year can be viewed in person at the Region of Waterloo Archives.