Special Event
May 18-19 2025
Attention Bird Lovers, Butterfly Enthusiasts and Botanists!
Mark these days down in your 2025 Calendar!
A joint outing to the Nationally Significant Carden Alvar with the Peterborough Field Naturalists will take place on the Victoria Day weekend on Sunday May 18 and Monday May 19th 2025.
The Carden Alvar at 17,230 hectares, is one of the largest and most diverse alvars globally, with grassland, alvar, forest and wetland habitats that support over 200 species of birds, 400 plant species and 100 butterfly and dragonfly species.
Our team of guides whom are experienced in exploring Carden, invite you to join us on a memorable 2 day outing! This will include early morning and evening walks with time to meet new friends and identify specialty species that Carden is known for. This could include the endangered Loggerhead Shrike, Yellow Rail, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Sedge Wren, Vesper Sparrow and many others!
More details about registration for this outing as well as accommodations will be posted early in 2025 on the WRN website. The registration for both the Peterborough and Waterloo Clubs will be limited to 15 attendees each.
Until then, feel free to email Stewart at stewjmacdonald@aol.com if you have any questions.