Garbage Cleanup at Laurentian Wetland, Kitchener
Date: Wednesday April 12, 2023
Time: 9am – noon approximately.
Location: Meet – On David Bergey Drive, just off Ottawa St. S. in Kitchener. Park on the side of the road opposite the wetland.
Leader: David Gascoigne
Phone: 519 725-0866. Cell: 226 747-7299
Description: It is a sad fact that human littering and dumping of trash is a daily fact of life and people seem to have little respect for their environment, and it never seems to get any better.
Laurentian Wetland, a jewel in the midst of urban sprawl, is a case in point. The sheer volume of trash is an eyesore, a danger to wildlife, it pollutes the wetland and is discouraging to say the least.
We are going to clean up as much as we can and hope that our example will give pause to people who might think of throwing away their coffee cups, pop cans etc., to say nothing of those who dump old sofas there.
Please consider joining us in this very worthwhile effort. Gloves and garbage bags will be provided, but if you have strong, sturdy gloves of your own it would be wise to bring them. Similarly, if you have a garbage pick-up tool, that would be helpful too. The ground will probably be wet in places so rubber boots would be a wise choice of footwear. Bring your binoculars so that we can do a little birding during the break or immediately on completion.
Registration is required by contacting: