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What Aquatic Invertebrates Tell Us
About Water Quality

Monday, April 24 @ 7:30 pm

Most of us have heard of the canary in the mine. Aquatic invertebrates are the canary in water.

Join Larry Mellors from Trout Unlimited Canada to examine what these aquatic invertebrates tell us about water quality.

This will be a hybrid meeting and you can choose to attend either in-person or via Zoom.

To attend via Zoom, register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtf-mvrzgvH9YgnTTC_buwyS0BnVwh8SHL

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Larry Mellors has been involved in conservation efforts within Ontario for over forty years. He has been involved with teaching aquatic renewal programs within 3 universities, 5 high schools and 6 elementary schools.
Larry is also an avid angler who enjoys everything from fly fishing for trout and steelhead to competing within Ontario’s competitive bass tournament circuits.
His respect and concern for the fishery resource of Ontario has been his driving force as Vice President, Trout Unlimited Canada, Middle Grand Chapter; past President of the Ontario Steelheaders for 28 years; President, Brantford Steelheaders for 37 years; and many other organizations, as well as efforts working with the Grand River Conservation Authority, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and many other organizations.
Larry has been the recipient of several national and provincial conservation awards. These included the 2004 Grand River Conservation Authority Watershed Award and the 2009 Canada’s Recreational Fisheries Award.
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