GeoTime Trail
On Saturday Feb 24, 2024, WRN Kids went to the GeoTime Trail in Waterloo.
We started the outing with a game of Cross the River, a guessing and memory game
Once we all crossed the “river”, we headed out to learn how to use a compass.
We practiced finding north, south, east and west and found a hidden egg which gave us directions to another next hidden egg. That egg had directions to another egg and so on.
Each egg also had a letter that spelled out a secret message – SNACK TIME. We found the hidden snack and enjoyed a snack of apples and cookies in the woods. Food always tastes better when eaten outside.
This trail features storm water collection ponds which are human made ponds that help keep water from eroding the land, slow down water when it rains so it can get back into the ground water, and collect pollution before it gets into the Grand River which is a source of drinking water for the Region of Waterloo.
We collected trash near the parking lot and left the space better than we found it – always a good way to thank nature for a wonderful time outside.
Reported by Rachelle