A report of the first WRN Kids outing of the 2021-2022 season on Saturday, September 25, 2021:
We went on an outdoor scavenger hunt at Huron Natural Area to find things in nature. It was sunny but not too hot, a perfect day to go on a walk.
Before we went out to look for things on the list we played two games. The first game was called builders and dozers. It was adults versus kids and we tied the first game but the kids won the second game. Then we got a parachute and bounced a stuffy up and down until it went flying off the parachute.
After the games, we went out with our parents along the trails to find things on the list before time ran out.
My mom and I made it back to the meeting place in time to talk about what we found. Some of the pictures that the adults took were really cool.
Only one family found an item on the list called Jack-in-the-pulpit. We were the only family that found an apple tree.
My favourite part was deep in a forest area where there were many different mushrooms that looked like plates with dirt on the top. On the bottom, they had skinny white gills. We got a little bit lost and found lots of new trails we’d never been on before.
Reported by: Cohen