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WRN Kids – Bird Watching
We are planning to go bird watching.
Saturday, February 22 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pmEnvironmental DNA
Dr. Beth Clare is a resident of Waterloo Region and a Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Toronto. She will be talking about biodiversity, measurement techniques, and environmental DNA.
Monday, February 24 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church HallWaterloo Region Fungi
William Van Hemessen is an independent consultant and part-time graduate student based in Cambridge, Ontario. He has over ten years of professional experience in vegetation ecology, but for the past two years he has been studying fungal diversity for his M.Sc. at Western University. William is the e...
Monday, March 24 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church HallWATERFOWL AND EARLY SPRING MIGRANTS IN THE PORT ROWAN/LONG POINT AREA
Long Point Provincial Park is the 4th oldest Provincial Park in Ontario, established in 1921. It has been designated as a World Biosphere Reserve. It is also one of the largest Waterfowl Staging areas in North America, and also hosts migrating songbirds at this time of year.
Sunday, April 6 @ 8:30 am - 1:00 pm at Long Point Provincial ParkWhip-poor-will Wonders
Lauren Weeks and Victoria Anne Pepe are masters students working on the breeding and migration biology of Eastern Whip-poor-wills. Please join them as they talk about these charismatic birds.
Monday, April 28 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church Hall